Month: February 2015
Google’s form notification for Add-on version is ready. (新版的Google表單信件通知外掛)
中文:感謝網友的不斷提醒,敝人最近才發現我之前寫的Google 表單寄信scirpt已經失效了。由於Google把所有script改成 Add-On,逼得小弟不得不寫另一個Add-On出來。所有的source code都在用法很簡單,把上面所有除了README.md的檔案下載下來。按照以下步驟:1. 建立表單,輸入你要的欄位2. 進入 工具→指令編輯器3. 工具列上方的新增→檔案→專案→對象為Form(表單),將專案命名為:Advanced Form Notification 4. 在你的程式碼.gs,刪除裡面內容,貼上下載下來的Main.gs的內容5. 新增檔案→HTML檔案→名稱:About (不要有.html),貼上下載的About.html的內容。6. 如上步驟依序新增AuthorizationEmail.html, CreatorNotification.html, RespondentNotification.html 以及 Slidebar.html等檔案,並貼上相對應檔的內容。7. 儲存專案8. 到原表單編輯器中,點選外掛程式→Advanced Form Notification→Configure…9. 假設你有表單欄位如下:欄位 1: name欄位 2: email 今天若想要通知使用者如下內容(假設使用者填寫的email跟name分別是, Allen) Thanks for filling our questionnaire survey. Your content shows below: Your e-mail: abc@example.comYour name: Allen 那麼只要在右方把Notify respondents打勾,然後在Notification email body寫著如下: Thanks for filling our questionnaire survey.…
Superfish: A Malware or Adware in Lenovo Computers?
There was one security issue about Lenovo’s computers. Part of Lenovo’s products, be sold during Sep. 2014 and Jan. 2015, are pre-installed one software called “superfish” on Windows platform. Some users found that it is spying the users’ search activities and inserted some ads in the Google search results, no matter what browsers they used.That…