Category: C

  • FFMPEG: Decode and then encode frames to JPEG images


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    I’ve used FFMPEG library for a while. Actually, the FFMPEG library’s decoding process flow can be described as the following picture. If you want to read the videos and then save to jpeg file, you can take a look on my programming code (tested on FFMPEG ver. 4 library). // VideoProcessing.cpp //#pragma onceusing namespace std;#include…

  • Math Editor in C#

    When you are acquiring to integrate a math editor into your application in WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), I recommend you to use this math editor project called OOP in the Real World – Creating an Equation Editor in Code Project platform. However, the source code put in Code Project is out of date. If you…

  • I-List: Create Your Own Lists of Links

    I-List is a very helpful links share platform to share your collected links. It provides an user friendly interface to you for sharing some kind of links. I’ve found that there are two collections which is very helpful for some people whose subjects are for studying and implementation in statistics, accounting and computer science. 1.…

  • Interesting Experiments in SHA3

    I’ve tried MD5, SHA256, SHA3-512 algorithms with 1, 10, and 100 million bytes. In general, SHA3-512 is lower than SHA256 for 3 ~ 10 times. In these cases, MD5 is the fastest algorithm which is faster than SHA256 for 3 times and SHA3-512 for 30~100 times.

  • [Program] The Framework for Auto Updating Programs

    I’ve made up of some frameworks for auto updating program. If you want to make your program with fashion of auto-updating, you can refer to the following table. Table of Auto Update Program Framework Name Tutorials Platform License Dev. Lang. Click Once ClickOnce 經驗談 ClickOnce Auto Update Strategy Win Free .Net Framework Omaha Test Omaha…

  • [.NET] 防止反組譯工具

    由於.NET程式為了跨平台,導入CLR(Common Language Run-time),讓所有.NET程式編成MSIL(Microsoft Intermediate Language)程式碼,使其在CLR上運作(簡單來說,就是MS版的JVM)。也正因如此,其編譯出來的程式碼,都有一定的規則可以做逆向工程,進行反組譯。 知名的反組譯工具有:.NET Reflector(要錢), ILSpy (筆者測試過,若程式碼不加以防護的話,用這套很容易把程式碼完全還原回來…) 以及Telerik的JustDecompiler 但是,在販賣軟體產品的開發人員,應該不想要讓自己的程式碼被輕易地破解吧? 就目前讀到的參考資料,可將防止反組譯方法分為以下:1. 混淆保護(Obfuscating) :將程式碼變數命名或是方法做混淆,或是加入無意義的文字,使其無法輕易破解。    此類工具較為知名的有微軟合作夥伴PreEmptive推出的Dotfuscastor (Community版本內建於Visual Studio,這個版本不用錢;但是Professional版要錢,此二版本功能差異請見此文章)    若想要使用此工具進行軟體保護的話,可見以下兩篇教學:    (1) Dotfucscator 使用者入門    (2) Obfuscation with Dotfuscator with Visual Studio 20102. Kernel等級的加密保護:使其無法用MSIL去讀取。代表工具:MaxToCode3. 硬體鎖:採用硬體鎖的方式,避免程式盜用。(貌似跟反組譯無關) 參考資料1. .NET反組譯工具:ILSpy, Telerik JustDecompile2. 使用SuppressIldasmAttribute防止MSIL反組譯工具對組件進行反組譯3. [.NET Concept][Security].NET程式保護機制概述 (Recommended)4. MaxToCode

  • [Windows] Built-in OCR Library in Windows 7/Server 2008

    OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is an interesting issue. I’ve found that some (built-in) libraries in Windows 7/Server 2008. If you want to develop OCR program without extra fee, you should try it. Window 7 OCR API : In the final answer, you can use thocr.psp.dll ,xocr3.psp.dll, and ximage3b.dll. Using IFilter in C# : If you want to use…

  • Windows Communication Service (WCF) 開發


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    微軟從.NET 3.0開始推出了WCF的技術(全名:Windows Communication Foundation)。WCF整合了Web Service、Remoting(可以開發SOAP, HTTP通訊)、MSMQ(Message Queuing)等微軟分散式元件開發技術,程式設計師只需要開發WCF服務,就可以透過設定的方式,發佈支援不同通訊協定的服務端點。因此,若各位讀者要開發網路服務,統一透過WCF技術框架開發即可。筆者就WCF程式開發的部分,整理了以下教學資源:1. 米米貓學開發:WCF服務 2. 史蒂芬筆記:WCF Service3. [VS2010] WCF 4.0 新功能 (2): REST 服務開發4. 基本WCF程式設計 (MSDN)5. 從Web3.0轉移到WCF 相關參考資料1. Web Service? WCF Service?2. .Net Remoting3. Message Queuing 心得分享4. Wikipedia: Windows Communication Foundation5. Web應用程式開發-WCF6. WCF概要 (推薦閱讀)

  • [C#] Interface & Abstract

    蒐集了一些資訊,提供給各位參考參考。 [C#] 泛型的意義 (Generics) [C#] 泛型 = 樣板? 泛型 (C# 程式設計手冊) 泛型場合-使用C# [Design Patterns]使用Interface來實作Template Method Pattern c# 學習筆記04 – 繼承, 抽像類別, 介面 如何用C# 2005撰寫外掛程式 (原創) interface和abstract class有何不同? (C/C++) (.NET) (C#) [獨自murmur]Interface VS Abstract

  • [ASP.NET] 在 ASP.NET 中使用檔案儲存網站設定 – web.config

    在上次的腦殘事件後,經過KK Bruce大哥的指導,才把檔案上傳下載路徑做更動。就以往的PHP開發的經驗,通常都會有個類似的檔案,於是我想到了利用web.config來紀錄我的檔案上傳與下載路徑。但是,C#該怎麼從這邊取值哩? 根據專家Kelp Code的教學文發現,我們只要透過System.Configuration這個命名空間提供的ConfigurationManager類別所提供的AppSettings屬性,即可取得web.config的設定。例如: <configuration>  <appSettings>    <!–   檔案上傳下載目錄 ,例如放在D:/ –>    <add key=”FileDirectory” value=”D:/” />  </appSettings></configuration>我設定檔案上傳下載目錄如上,那麼,我的檔案上傳路徑便可改為以下: 如此一來,Application_restart的問題就有可能避免。在這邊真的非常感謝KK Bruce大哥的指導:) 在此容我推薦ASP.NET與MVC相關教學網站 KKBruce的MVC, ASP.NET, ADO.NET教學系列集錦 Kelp大大的網站