Author: Allen
The introduction for JavaScript ES6’s classes
Do not understand the class features of JavaScript ES6? You can take a look on this introduction in Chinese.
Speed up ActiveMQ performance by 25x
Sometimes we encounter the performance issue for persistent messaging using ActiveMQ. Here’s the best practice on Linux system to accelerate it.
使用 git worktree 建立多個工作區
Materials for Neural Network
Some materials are enclosed here.1. 深度學習(二): 反向傳播 URL: 一文看懂常用的梯度下降算法 URL: 邏輯回歸代價函數及其梯度下降公式 URL: The Back Propagation Algorithm. URL: Derivation of Back Propagation Algorithm for Forward Neural Networks. URL: 凸優化 梯度下降。URL:凸优化/2015/09/29/cmu-10725-gradient/7. Geadient Descent demystified. URL: An introduction to gradient descent and linear regression. URL:
It’s time to push my career forward
After a long time, almost 3 months, I’ve done my PhD degree. In the past, I could not image that I get my PhD. Thanks for my supervisor’s and family’s great supports. I did it!Through the training of PhD, making things clear and be systematic are not the difficult parts anymore for me. But, I…
Build your service using Pritunl and Lets Encrypt
Pritunl is an open source enterprise VPN platform which is used to easily build free VPN service.It is built on the top of TLS/SSL protocol and is not easily banned by some countries. 🙂However, by the default settings of its tutorial, the generated TLS certificate for Pritunl is not recognized by browsers because its certificate…
Math Editor in C#
When you are acquiring to integrate a math editor into your application in WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), I recommend you to use this math editor project called OOP in the Real World – Creating an Equation Editor in Code Project platform. However, the source code put in Code Project is out of date. If you…
Install CKAN 2.5 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Author: Jyun-Yao Huang (Allen; Environment: Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS (64bits) 1. Update the metadata of packages $ sudo apt-get update 2. Install apache2, nginx, apache’s module wsgi and the library of postgres- libpq5. $ sudo apt-get install -y nginx apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi libpq5 3. Download deb-package of python-ckan. There are two ways to get CKAN…
[WordPress] A Method for combining both of plain and custom URLs
In WordPress, we usually set the custom URLs for the purpose of SEO.For the old plain URLs which are previously published to other sites, we should maintain them by redirecting to the new custom URLs. The htaccess setting can simply do the redirection to a static page, such as response 404 not found or see…
HTML Specification Standard
https://html.spec.whatwg.orgThe version of HTML specification description is greater than W3C’s.