Category: Web Design
[Web] How to force browsers not to cache your website?
I’ve found the useful meta tag information, and you just add the information inside “head” tag. <meta http-equiv=”no-cache”><meta http-equiv=”Expires” content=”-1″><meta http-equiv=”Cache-Control” content=”no-cache”><meta http-equiv=”Pragma” content=”no cache”> Cheers.
[PHP] MySQL Backup by GMail
[Chinese] 先前已經介紹過有一個好用的MySQL資料庫備份工具(使用PHP):MySQLDump。但是預設的寄信函式,是透過SMTP伺服器寄信,這對於沒有SMTP伺服器的使用者而言,可就傷腦筋了。原先我有找到一篇教學,使用GMail的SMTP伺服器做備份,可惜連結已經失效了。筆者只好自行撰寫,由於程式碼使用GPL授權,基於分享的精神下,便公開給各位。 程式碼下載處:請按我。 [English]I’ve introduced an useful backup tool for backuping MySQL databases (using PHP): MySQLDump. However,the default send mail function uses the SMTP server to send mails, and it may cause some problems for the users without SMTP servers. Initially, I’ve found one tutorial for teaching that how…
Themes for Drupal 7.
I’ve found these interesting themes which may be suitable for my projects I encountered. And, there are some major companies which have expertise in Drupal theme design I focused: If anyone wants to find Drupal Theme, go to Drupal Themes and find what you want.