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[Chrome] The Useful Materials of Chrome Storage

  Congratulations! The number of users for my developed Chrome extension:Yahoo Dictionary (The Chinese name is “Yahoo字典查詢器“) has been over 540 users. The next version 0.3 will have some important features:

  1. Store the searched word to construct user’s learning records.
  2. Customize user preferences.

  In order to develop these significant features,  the main question is that how to store user’s records. The answer is use Chrome Storage.
  Fortunately, I have collected some useful materials as the followings:

  1. Write a simple Google Chrome extension. (There is one simple example about Chrome localStorage)
  2. How to build a Chrome extension, Part 2: Options and localStorage
  3. Google Chrome Extensions: Chrome Storage
  4. Google Chrome: Managing HTML5 Offline Storage
  5. Google Chrome Extensions: Manifest Format. (See “unlimitedStorage” )
Please be patient and have best wishes to the next patch!
Thanks for your reading, and you can reply me under this page if you have any questions.
The developer of Chrome Extension: Yahoo Dictionary

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