Docear 學術研究

[Docear4Word] Fix the bug from Docear4Word that doesn’t display URL in IEEE-with-URL style.

Docear is the one of academic literature suites I love. It provides  not only a comprehensive mind map tool but also a reference management tool inherited by JabRef. By using the JabRef’s managed reference results, the extension, Docear4Word , can help us easily add citations and display them with many styles. However, the provided IEEE-with-URL style has a bug on displaying URL.
No matter how URLs  you add, the generated reference list never shows URLs.
That’s because the included ieee-w-url.csl doesn’t add the macro for generating URLs when you use the entry types except webpage. The webpage entry type is not set as default entry types in Docear. That’s why you add any entry types that Docear provided, then the URLs are never displayed!
One  solution is to replace the old ieee-w-url.csl with newer one.
According to Prof. Dr. Artur Lugmayr’s post [1], we just follow these steps:

  1. Open the directory named “C:ProgramDataDocear4WordStyles
  2. Getting the administrator permission, open the file called “ieee-w-url.csl” in the directory.
  3. Replace the whole content with the newer one I put in Github. (mirrored from the git [2] of citation-style-languages) The newer content of this csl is on Then save it!

Docear是我喜愛的學術文獻整理套件之一。它提供了全面性的心智圖以及基於JabRef的參考文獻整理工具。其外掛 Docear4Word 藉著使用JabRef的整理文獻結果,幫助我們輕易地加入文獻參考與展現不同風格的參考文獻。然而,提供的IEEE-with-URL風格在輸出URL時,存在著一個臭蟲。
無論您如何加入URL,產生的文獻列表卻從不顯示這些URL。這是因為內建的ieee-w-url.csl 除了webpage這個entry type以外,並無產生URL的巨集。而webpage這個entry type卻沒有成為Docear的內建entry type。這就是無論你怎麼在Docear提供的entry type加入URL,這些URL卻從未顯示。
解決之道是替換掉舊的ieee-w-url.csl。根據Prof. Dr. Artur Lugmayr的貼文[1],我們只要遵循以下步驟即可:

  1. 開啟 C:ProgramDataDocear4WordStyles 目錄。
  2. 在此目錄中,以管理者權限開啟ieee-w-url.csl檔案。
  3. 到本人提供的Gibhub 取得該新版的內容格式,替換掉舊的(該內容格式是由Citation-Style-Languages的Github [2]鏡射而來。)

    [1] Prof. Dr. Artur Lugmayr, “Professional and free referencing software,” [Online] Available:
    [2], “Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles,” [Online] Available:

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