Qemu is a virtualization tool to virtualize IO including disk, network adapters. Typically, it supports 4 network models: Isolated, NAT, bridge and routing. Some materials
What’s kiosk mode? If you go to fast food market, you may use vendor machine/self-assist machine to complete your shopping tasks. The applications in the
If you are finding a websocket library which completely implement Websocket protocol RFC 6455)[1]. I would like to introduce WebsocketSharp. [2] Performance tips Although there
Image rendering control We can control the image rendering algorithms by setting image-rendering property in CSS. [1] What resize or image generation algorithms are in
InnoDB 不支援全文索引,而MyISAM有支援;但如果資料量大的話,建議使用InnoDB,因為它支援記錄恢復的功能。然而InnoDB沒有資料數目記錄的功能,COUNT()運算會直接去算整張表資料數目,會造成龐大的負擔。而MyISAM因有記錄資料數目,所以執行COUNT()運算會非常快;但是COUNT()運算有加上where條件時,InnoDB與MyISAM都會去算整張表的資料數。但是MyISAM不支援Foreign Key。對於這點,InnoDB則是有支援的。MyISAM在Insert速度快;而InnoDB在Update速度較快。在小型應用上,建議使用MyISAM效能會比較好。而大量資料且要有Foreign Key支援的話,請使用InnoDB。 最後我整理一張表格讓大家比較好理解一些。 資料庫引擎名稱 優點 缺點 MyISAM l 對不具where語句的COUNT()運算快。 l 適合小型資料庫。 l Insert運算速度快。