
接受民視新聞採訪 台灣新流感疫苗含汞量超高[轉載]




我也不多說廢話,直接在此公佈重點: 國光H1N1疫苗的汞含量是國外諾華一般流感疫苗的50倍極有可能是造成半身不遂,顫抖,免疫系統異常,情緒異常的主要原因,因為汞有神經毒性歐美的疫苗已經漸漸不含汞了。



甲醛(福馬林)含量也是每劑0.05µL/0.5mL ,等於0.01%(=100ppm=100000ppb)。
Polysorbate 80的含量也是每劑0.05µL/0.5mL ,等於0.01%(=100ppm=100000ppb)。

注意: 乙基汞的濃度在0.5ppb時,就會對人類的神經母細胞產生毒性。在20ppb時,就會破壞神經細胞的細胞膜。而國光疫苗的乙基汞濃度是100000ppb。難怪產生很多神經病變甚至致死案例。



有人問我,為什麼台灣製的疫苗要加超量的汞? 那我要反問大家,為什麼很多台灣農民的蔬菜,要加超量農藥? 一樣的道理。有機蔬菜比較健康,無毒疫苗比較安全,但社會大眾要等幾十年後才會廣泛認知。我還是那句老話,Knowledge is power,是無知害了大家。這裡說的無知,包含了所謂的專家。

諾華疫苗比較安全嗎? 雖然諾華的一般流感疫苗伏必靈(Fluvirin)還有一點汞(0.001mg/0.5ml=2ppm=2000ppb),但是諾華的H1N1新流感疫苗Forcetria的含汞量還是高達0.05mg/0.5ml,等於0.01%(=100ppm=100000ppb),和國光新流感疫苗一樣。(2009/1/2修改)



Thimerosal is 49.6% ethylmercury by weight, and mercury in any form is a neurotoxin. Manufacturers Safety Data Sheets for Thimerosal state that the compound is a mutagen (mutates genes) and a teratogen (causes cancer). Research indicates Thimerosal causes damage at nanomolar levels:

  • 0.5 parts per billion ( ppb) mercury = Kills human neuroblastoma cells (Parran et al., Toxicol Sci 2005; 86: 132-140).
  • 2 ppb mercury = U.S. EPA limit for drinking water.
  • 20 ppb mercury = Neurite membrane structure destroyed (Leong et al., Neuroreport
  • 200 ppb mercury = level in liquid the EPA classifies as hazardous waste.
  • 600 ppb mercury = Level in a currently licensed Hepatitis B, multi-dose vaccine vial, labeled as trace. This is administered at birth.
  • 25,000 ppb mercury = Level in 94% of injectable influenza vaccines, 2007-2008. 2001; 12: 733-37).

Many scientists and physicians worldwide believe that Thimerosal causes neurological and immunological damage, resulting in behaviors rather erroneously given the psychological label of autism spectrum disorder. Some examples:

  • Boyd E. Haley, PhD of the University of Kentucky, its former chemistry chair, has done extensive research on mercury toxicity from Thimerosal.
  • Thomas Burbacher, PhD of the University of Washington worked on a 2005 primate study that found ethylmercury bound to brain tissue more quickly than methylmercury.
  • Washington state chemist Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, PE, a former NASA employee, treated himself for mercury poisoning. Cutler advises a large Yahoo listserv on biomedical treatments such as chelation, called “Autism-Mercury,” and is the author of “Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities.”

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